Friday, 6 December 2013

Unit: 3.2 Key Definitions

Hegemony mean a position of power or leadership in a given situation like social groups or countries. This all relates back to the main dominate leader establishing rules in which must be obey. An example of hegemony is the prime minister because he creates and enforces the law in the UK.

Moral Panic
Moral Panic often arises around events which have taken place usually in the media, they are usually trivial that are widely blown out of proportion by specific people. its an over reaction to a recent situation within an event e.g. if a singer is wearing reveling cloths within a performance or music video but the lyrics are appropriate this will cause a moral panic as someone would blow the situation out of proportion.

Counter Culture
These are groups if people which go against the normal of the time, sub cultures, for example the pop culture in the 70's then the punk movement took over, to begin with punk was a counter culture, individuals also tend to deviate, not doing what they are told, your parents expect you to wear certain cloths and listen to a type of music, you decide to wear something completely different and listen to rock. this is a sign of rebelling in some peoples eyes.

Permeant Present
Permanent present is used to describe recent event which have over took the media in the present day. The story of the missing Gypsy girl maria is an example of a permeant present as the story is shown around the world to find her parents.

Cultural Myths
A cultural myth is a traditional story which been handed down by each generation which holds specific significant to the individual or group e.g. family or town, often a tale of a heroin or god like figure often telling moral stories or a buttered up explanation of a true phenomenon.

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